
1989년 6월 4일 천안문사태-혐짤 주의!

마장골서생 2012. 3. 11. 22:12

1989년 6월 3일 밤, 광동지역에 주둔하고 있던 인민해방군이 탱크를 앞세우고 북경 천안문광장에 나타났다. 당시 그곳에는 대학생들을 중심으로 한 200여 만 명이 급속한 개방과 민주화를 외치며 농성 중에 있었니다. 그날 밤, 인민해방군의 무자비한 총은 그들의 인민을 향하였다. 탱크는 시위대를 향애 그대로 돌진하였다. 광장은 순식간에 아수라장이 되었다. 目不忍見













This serie is in memory of 1989 Tiananmen Decmocracy Movement, records the hopes, bloods and glories of that movement.




纪录片天安门 纪念六四,勿忘历史

documentary movie THE GATE OF HEAVENLY PEACE about Tiananmen square protests of 1989.


Pictorial slide show showing the events up to and of June 4th 1989, set to "Hymn To The Fallen" by John Williams. Dead and injured: Chinese Red Cross initially reported 2600 as dead, then retracted it. Chinese government official figure is 241 dead, 7,000 wounded. Tiananmen Mothers have confirmed 182 dead, with name, age, location and cause of death.


Comments that make no reference to the massacre are being removed. There are many forums to debate about the Chinese government in general. And please, if you wish to discuss June 4th 1989, causes and effects, don't abuse other users.Thank you.***


Available for iPod! see below An indelible image of courage, one lone protester facing down a tank in Beijing's Tiananmen Square, June 1989. He would become known simply as 'Tank Man' or 'The Unknown Rebel'. The massive student protests were brutally put down on June 4th when the Chinese army attacked with tanks and trucks, firing indescriminately at the unarmed protesters, killing and injuring thousands. The Unknown Rebel confronted the tank column next day as the army withdrew. Neither his identity nor his fate have ever been established, reported by some to have been executed, and by others to be still alive. This music comes from the CD 'Image Conscious', music loosely hung on enduring news images. Music and video by Plug.


This is at Wings Over Wairarapa 2007 New Zealand. The man offered his legs and the remote control tank weighs about 80kgs and valued at NZ$14 000. No one was injured!